Our ServicesEnvironment, Social and Governance Training

Environment, Social and Governance (ESG), In Modern era, many investors before investing in a company looks into various aspects which ranges from Value to Values (Moral Values) to see the long-term potential of their investment. Where the value was initially perceived from 'governance', Values was recognized with Environmental and Social issues. If we broadly classified the issues wherein environment related issues deal with scarcity of natural resources, impact on climate change, changing demographics; Social issue range from reputation of organization, labour conflict, social impact of certain products/activities. Governance issues are more attributed towards poor management practices, Board compositions, Anti-bribery and corruption policy, Participation of shareholders.
Different Stakeholders defines these issues based on their outlook. Whereas Ecologist look them as a matter of social responsibility, activist as moral responsibility, investment managers take them as fiduciary duty to see the risk and returns are better controlled.
While considering these issues, how as responsible society we see the 'sustainable investment' is the focal point.
Looking into, adoption can be achieved by initiating with small steps, like, imparting training to staff on ESG, study of ESG issues prevalent in the relevant industry, regular monitoring & reporting, etc. Astrazure Legal Services Pvt Ltd (AZL) being offered In-house Training Program to understand the same to promote your performance.

- What is ESG (Environment, Social and Governance issues in BRSR Reporting)
- What are challenges in adoption of ESG/BRSR
- Global trend in Sustainable Finance
- How BRSR reporting/ESG Adoption can create value for Organization - Business Case Matrix
- Nine (9) Principles governing BRSR Reporting in India
- Integration of BRSR/NGRBC with SDGs
- BRSR Reporting by Listed Companies
- Capacity Building Activity
- Policy/Framework/Procedure to implement
- Disclosure Requirements under BRSR
- Data gathering for Reporting under BRSR
- Compliances of Laws under BRSR
Program Topic | Adoption of BRSR by Listed Companies (BRSR Disclosure - Way Forward & ESG - Value with Values) |
Delivery / Duration | Online 2 Hours |
For more details of the In-house training program, please write at info@azlindia.com or astrazure.ggn@gmail.com